Tommaso Spanevello

Head of European Affairs
Haropa Port

Tommaso Spanevello has been responsible for European Affairs at HAROPA PORT since the creation of the public authority in 2021. The “Major river-sea Port of the Seine axis” is France’s largest port authority, merging the three French harbours of Le Havre, Rouen and Paris .
Tommaso promotes the interests of HAROPA PORT vis-à-vis the European Union’s Institutions and represents the company in various networks such as the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO), the European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) and the public-private-partnership “European Ports Alliance”.
Prior to join HAROPA PORT, Tommaso had been working in the rail sector for about ten years; he was in charge of EU policy on behalf of, first, rail infrastructure managers and, afterwards, rail manufacturing companies.
He is a lawyer by formation and lived and worked in United States, Belgium, Italy, Finland and Hungary.

